Cardio Argumentative Essay

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My dad is a personal trainer and we enjoy working out together. One of the things we do the most is go to the gym, where we work mostly on weights. As I continued going to the gym, a question arose in my head. “Which is better: cardio or weights,” I thought to myself. Since my dad was knowledgeable about this topic, he answered my question and I understood it. However, I wanted to know more about it so that I can answer and know about the topic myself. I narrowed it down from “Which is better” to “Which most positively impacts the most,” both in physical appearance and in health.

First of All:

Cardio is short for cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is exercise for the heart and lungs. During cardio, the heart pumps blood throughout the whole body, but mostly to the muscles that are being used. For example, when riding a bike, your leg muscles are the major contributors to the workout. The legs, as they move and work hard, burn a lot of oxygen that the blood cells bring. The more the muscles work hard, the more oxygen is needed. Cardio helps the system to “respond accordingly” to the lack of oxygen supply in muscles during workouts. Cardio also expands lung capacity.

Weight training is physical training that involves …show more content…

One major benefit is that it can boost oxygen supply to muscles, which allows them to adapt to higher workout intensities, and to the brain, which improves memory and decreases the risk of stroke. It allows better sleep by calming the brain and regulating the circadian rhythm, which is the mental clock in your brain that tells you when to go to sleep. For example, if you go to sleep every day at 10 pm for a week, your circadian rhythm is going yo be adapted and will reset to your sleeping schedule. Cardio also helps emotional health by improving self-esteem and confidence. It can also help people socialize more because of their connection to the

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