Cardio Exercise Benefits Essay

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Thirty minutes of exercise a day may be the trick to keeping bad health away! Cardiovascular exercise strengthens all of the body’s muscles. Well known muscles, such as the ones in the arms and legs are toned and seen as exterior health. Meanwhile, the body’s inner muscles and organs, the heart and lungs in particular, are toughened for optimal inner health. Cardio exercise benefits numerous body systems including, muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory.
Steady amounts of exercise help manage the fat to muscle ratio of the body. Exercise attracts attention because of its ability to maintain a person’s weight. The simple act of walking burns calories, contributing to overall weight loss. For fitness fanatics, consistent, and more intense, exercise builds muscle. When muscles are not worked out they weaken, and the chances of injury elevates. However if muscles are overused, they become fatigued, and the risk of strains rise. Long term cardio exercise induces long term benefits. Studies have shown, with regular exercise, comes an increase in metabolism. Since exercise improves overall fitness, it helps boost the immune system. Nonetheless don’t overdo it, too much exercise without enough rest can promote colds. Keeping a consistent …show more content…

Just as other muscles become stronger with exercise, so does the heart. The stronger the heart, the more efficient it becomes at pumping blood to the entire body. Over time exercise can lower blood pressure, which lessens the risk of experiencing a stroke or heart attack. Physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of many age related diseases. Among those diseases is cardiovascular disease. For people with cardiovascular disease, physical activity can lessen their risk of dying from it, and for those without, exercise can prevent them from attaining the disease. Since the heart is a muscle, it too needs to be exercised to perform at its

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