Cannibalism In African Americans

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when they saw the indigenous women were “Derected by the Men to Stand in Prow of their Canoes& Expose their Bodys Naked to our View as our man is in good Health& Spirits,” the Europeans did not know how to make sense of this behavior. They tried to use their own European social model to claim that these women were sexually driven and close to the natural status. However, this was not the case. The society in the South Pacific such as Tahiti, respect high ranked people such as the priest or the gods. Sex was a powerful force and “associated with the fertility of the ancestors and the fecundity of local resource.” When the indigenous women first saw the white Europeans, they thought that they were gods or had the images of gods. Therefore, …show more content…

The voyages recorded the practice of cannibalism, but these records were very ambiguous. For example, Cook saw “the body of a dead woman floating on the water” and found some human bones in the food basket. Cook questioned the natives. They answered, “the bones of a man” and asked Cook, “have you eat the flesh?” Cook then wondered that the South Sea people practiced cannibalism. However, it was not that simple. Anne Salmond said, “in the Society Islands it was the gods rather than people who consumed the spirits of enemies.” It was very possible that Tupaia actually considered cannibalism to be “blasphemous.” Nevertheless, the Europeans failed to understand this complex ideology behind …show more content…

Being a missionary could provide “the feeling that material prosperity would be both conducive to good living and a proof of spiritual progress.” Because of the misrepresentations of the South Pacific Islands, the British people believed that the Island people were lazy and Britain should civilize them. Although the lower middle class missionaries did not receive any missionary training, the missionary societies still want to send them to the South Sea because the lower middle class missionaries were “expected to instruct the people in their own particular skills.” They believed that these particular skills could civilize the South Sea and later brought “Christianization of Tahiti and the other Society Islands.” William Wilson said that they came to the South Pacific “ to do them good, by instructing them in the best and most useful things; and for this end ,some good men of our number intended to settle among them; requiring, on their part, the free gift of a piece of land sufficiently stocked with breadfruit and cocoa-nut trees and so large as to contain a garden that they would not, on any account, intermeddle in their wars, nor employ their arms but for self-defense; and at all times should live free and unmolested them.” This civilization was the version of British middle class. The lower middle class wanted to gain respect from the British society, so they

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