The Importance Of Cannibalism In The Walking Dead

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Post-Apocalyptic settings used in fictional works have become increasingly popular over the years. The entire bases around post-apocalyptic is how the world as we know it has great changes, therefore altering the lifestyle of all things living. Whether the reasoning be environmental or an epidemic, the already build society is abruptly changed forcing major alterations in how life continues. The ethical code of morals in which we live by is replaced by the instinct to survive when adapting to life in an altered world. Using examples from Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, George R. Stewarts Earth Abides, and AMC series The Walking Dead, will demonstrate the transitions made as survival takes precedent over moral practices and how rebuilding civilizations …show more content…

The walkers themselves reflect option one, they represent an altered state with no attempts at redemption therefore it becomes easily justifiable to kill them. During season two the disagreement of walkers and killing them is a major theme to the show because the survivors are early into the transition of the new world. The acceptance of walkers no longer being considered people is the justification survivors must make in order to kill them without suffering the moral consciousness. Later into the show during seasons four and five a new group ambergris names Terminus, that represent the second approach to cannibalism where conscious people make the choice to practice in eating other humans. The involvement on Terminus test the moral values of other survivors because now they must come to terms with ending human life because they pose a threat to …show more content…

Issac Berk focuses on how human react to a world without established law, social assistance and communities in The Walking Dead as a critique of American Democracy. In many ways, The Walking Dead’s setting, while hyperbolic, embodies a logic that is central to neoliberal capitalism: privatization of social services and basic human needs is enabled through the withdrawal of public state support, and individuals are left to fend for themselves in a hostile world with only their ambitions and families on which to draw (Berk 318). When establish justice systems are eliminated it becomes everyone for themselves and as communities form new systems are put in place. Leaders are chosen and hierarchy is established. Ish is established as the group leading in Earth Abides and as the colony grown and the younger generation emerges they accept him as leader and look to him for guidance. The same concept is applied to Rick among the survivors in The Walking Dead where he takes on the roll of leader and is accepted by all members of the group as

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