Cancer Zodiac Signs

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Do you remember when and where you’ve first heard the word horoscope? Do you really know what horoscopes are? Where horoscopes come from? I personally do not. I can just go back and remember being captivated with these different signs that say relate to you because of your birth month. I remember for my 12th birthday, my aunt bought me a shirt that had a Cancer zodiac sign and under it in parenthesis said (June 22- July 22). That is when I knew I was not a Cancer because my birthday is on July 27. I also remember my mother routinely watching a Spanish show on television every morning before heading to work and a specific section of the show transferred into this very magical, spiritual vibe. This guy named Walter Mercado would appear dressed in robes or had very bright colored outfits with a lot of gems. Something else that stood out was that he would wear these huge stone rings and as he would speak he used a lot of hang gestures. He had this very marvel, passive, …show more content…

I don’t remember if someone told me, or if I looked it up, if I saw it in a book, I can’t remember. But I do remember reading that Leo’s were these strong, dominant, powerful signs. Growing up I was always told I was bossy, that I took charge, and that I never would let others do what they wanted, it was always about me. That right there just swept me by my feet and I was just stuck into horoscopes because I felt that the Leo sign was really me. I would look up horoscopes’ and see if they would relate to that day. I would enjoy to read the weekly horoscopes because it was like they predict or foreshadow what situations you may face. But not only did they tell you that, but they would give minor advice about how you should handle these situations. And that to me was a bonus since you have this bonus shot at preventing something or either making things worse. It was like you were two steps ahead of the game. There isn’t anything wrong with

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