Cancer Synthesis Essay

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According to Rubin et. al (2015), stated that the nature of cancer control is changing with an increasing emphasis on prevention, early diagnosis, and patient experience during and after treatment. Primary care is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as the first-contact, accessible, continued, comprehensive and coordinated care. Secondary care are likely to prompt referral or further investigation and management. Finally, tertiary care likely to represent malignancy, and need rapid work-up and referral such as abdominal mass. In the USA, incentives to primary care physician (PCPs) to promote cancer screening are now common, but not universal. Screening for breast, cervical, and colon cancers is a measure of the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) …show more content…

Furthermore, secondary prevention by early detection and screening for colorectal cancer is mostly curable if detected at early stages. Tertiary prevention shows some evidence that exercise interventions and smoking cessation might enhance health-related quality of life in survivors of colorectal cancer (Brenner, Kloor, and Pox, 2014). On the other hand, the weakness on any of the 3 stages would result in poor prognosis and death of patient due to the malignancy of the cancer. Each epidemiological study has strengths and weaknesses, and provides different, but complementary information that can help to improve the diagnostic accuracy of cancer in primary care. Thus, targeting earlier diagnosis in children, teenagers, and young adults will lead to improved non-survival-based outcomes and might additionally improve survival in some malignancies or populations (Rubin et. al,

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