Cancer In The 16th Century Essay

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In today’s world, cancer is known to be one of the deadliest diseases around; however, in the 16th century, diseases that are much less common in today’s world were prominent. All of these diseases played a substantial role in wiping out a massive population during the Elizabethan era. Within the 16th century society, diseases such smallpox, the Black Death, and syphilis were all detrimental to the civilians.
The Black Death was such a powerful disease that it killed about a quarter of Europe’s population from 1347 to 1351, but this was only the beginning (Picard 91). The plague occurred in periodic breakouts. One major outbreak took place in 1597, which was in the year of Queen Elizabeth’s death. From 1583 to 1600, nearly a quarter of deaths …show more content…

In fact, Queen Elizabeth herself obtained smallpox in October of 1562. Luckily for the queen, she had resilience, and was out of bed within six days, and even appearing in public (Picard 93). Many were not as fortunate as Queen Elizabeth. Their cases resulted in death, blindness or disfiguration. Smallpox was often referred to as the “speckled monster” due to the scarred spotting that victims were left with (Persson 11). Smallpox is extremely contagious if one is not vaccinated, because it only takes breathing in a few particles to get infected with the virus. “The virus enters the body through the lungs, passes through the respiratory tract and enters the bloodstream, eventually spreading to the internal organs and the skin” (Persson 13). According to Currie, the symptoms of smallpox include aches, fevers, and blisters that lead to scarring (2). As a result of the virus replicating within the skin, rashes form, which later turn into pox or pustules. These can be extremely painful and can spread to the anus, throat and eyes (Persson 14). It is common among the infected to die between day eleven and fifteen, however, if one perseveres, the virus containing pustules dry, crust, and fall off leaving deep scars (Persson 14). Because of this, smallpox was a heavily feared diseases during the time

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