Analysis Of The Black Death

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No other epidemic reaches the level of the Black Death which took place from 1348 to 1350. The epidemic, better regarded as a pandemic, shook Europe, Asia, and North Africa; therefore it deems as the one of the most devastating events in world history. In The Black Death: The Great Mortality of 1348-1350, John Aberth, compiles primary sources in order to examine the origins and outcomes of this deadly disease. The author, a history professor and associate academic dean at Vermont’s Castleton State College, specializes in medieval history and the Black Death. He wrote the book in order to provide multiple perspectives of the plague’s impact. Primarily, pathogens started the whole phenomenon; however, geological, economic, and social conditions …show more content…

In his “Introduction to the Decameron,” Giovanni Boccaccio describes the plague’s harsh symptoms. This author mentions the individuals swelling and developing bruises; however, he employs a personal witnessing report on the grotesque nature. His story involving pigs feasting on a pauper who died from the disease gives insight into the body’s physical deterioration. According to Louis Sanctus, the plague breaks down into three stages. The first stage, the bubonic plague, has a life expectancy of three to six days. Its symptoms include swelling of the underarms, neck, or groin; increased body temperature, bleeding and vomiting, and disorientation. The second, the pneumonic plague, has two to three days of life expectancy. This hazardous stage inflames the lungs, leading to a discharge of pus. Thirdly, the septicemic stage gives no person a chance of life because the person would have only a few hours to live. As the deadliest form, bacteria would poison the blood resulting in a painful death. Doctors and families provided little to no assistance for the victims. Sanctus writes, “the doctor does not visit the sick for fear of this contagion…nor anyone another who may be a blood relation, unless he wishes to suddenly die like him or follow him [to the grave] immediately” (Aberth, 34). Under the pope’s direction, medical professionals from …show more content…

Society’s fascination with death increased as shown in John Lydgate’s “Dance of Death”. The poem personifies Death who has relations with a physician. Some historians such as Heinrich of Herford paralleled death to a chess game piece. The game symbolized the Black Death because each “piece” or person attempted to survive. Another artistic movement, the transi tomb movement, portrayed carcasses with worms and toads. Francois de la Sarra’s tomb at La Sarraz, Switzerland displays a male body with worms covering its limbs and face. Another tomb depiction, A Disputacion betyx the Body and Wormes, illustrates a female corpse accompanied by worms. Clearly, the worms exemplify the morbid theme of death and decomposition, body and soul, during the Black

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