Canadian Tire Essay

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As mentioned above, Canadian Tire has a three-year growth strategy and financial aspirations for 2015 to 2017. With the exception of the 9% growth aspiration for FGL Sports, CTC is on track to meet these aspirations in 2017, despite unanticipated events such as the decline of the economy in Alberta and the decline in the Canadian dollar vs. the US dollar. Beyond 2017, as CTC approaches their centenary in 2022, their goal is to become the undisputed number one retail brand in Canada. There are several ways that CTC is working towards this goal. To accomplish this, CTC is changing how it works with its Board of Directors. Traditionally, the Board of Directors has an oversight role with Management in the leadership role but at CTC the Board of …show more content…

The consolidated digital traffic all CTC brands is almost twice as large as it is for their flagship brand, Canadian Tire. Offering customers of these other brands access to Canadian Tire’s loyalty program and encouraging cross-promotion and cross-collaboration is a big opportunity for growth. CTC is also expanding their private-brands program, with the creation of a Consumer Brands Division in 2016 to formulate a company-wide long-term growth strategy for CTC’s private-brands such as NOMA, Mastercraft, CANVAS, FRANK, McKinley, Denver Hayes, and Dakota. These private brands account for 30% of Canadian Tire’s product offers and 80% for Marks. Private-brands are a competitive advantage for CTC as these are available exclusively from CTC, traditionally have higher margins, and give CTC more control over pricing, marketing, sales, and distribution. In addition, private-brands are also harder to price match. CTC is also exploring how to sell these branded products internationally. In addition, Canadian Tire has a proprietary consumer testing program called ‘Tested for Life in Canada’ that resonates with the Canadian consumer and their need for products that will work for

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