Canadian Tire Essay

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Canadian Tire is national company residing mainly within Canada, sine 1922. While being a corporation with a value of over eight point five billion dollars, hiring over twenty-nine thousand employees, as well as ranking 1,146 out of 2000 companies in Fordes; due to being such a huge company there is a lot of pressure to please the community through the use of fundraisers, social events, hiring employees from the community, and through the use of donations. However Canadian tire focuses on three main ideas which are through Healthy and Active living, Good neighbors, and Safer communities. By focusing on a giving Canadians, a Healthy and Active living, it inspires more people to get involved within the society. It is also done through promoting people to live a healthy life through the use of sports, and exercising. Canadian tire does this through use of several programs which include the following, “Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, Canadian Olympic and Paralympics Association Partnership, National Sport Organization Partnership, Local minor sport team support… [and through the use] injury prevention programs” (Canadian Tire News). By using such programs Canadian tire is …show more content…

This is done through programs such as “Community and disaster relief support, local donations… [and through] Military and law enforcement support programs” (Canadian Tire News), these programs help the community know that Canadian tire has their back if something were to happen such as a natural disaster. By showing involvement with both the Military and Police force, Canadian Tire helps all aspects of the community do to the fact that they feel that they must give back to those who risk their lives every day and those who are left with nothing. These programs have been hugely successful to help those who have lost everything they ever had, and to help those who have been injured in combat and

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