Canadian Pacific Railway Discrimination

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Thesis Statement

During the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1881-1885, the discrimination against Chinese workers demonstrates social injustice.

Summary The Canadian Pacific Railway was the first transcontinental railway built to connect Canada from coast to coast. (Canadian Pacific Para. 9) The construction almost delayed completely because of John A. MacDonald losing power, but it was finally continued with the help of a syndicate. (Canadian Pacific Para. 4) Due to the insufficient amount of adequate workers in British Columbia, Chinese contract workers were imported to help construct the track with minimal pay and harsh conditions. (Canada Para. 1) Chinese-Canadians were discriminated by being given the most dangerous job, no food or shelter provided, and the least pay. Unfortunately, when the track was completed, the Exclusion Act for Chinese immigrants was established to stop immigration from China, (Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Para. 5) while also making it impossible for family members from China to immigrate. (Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre Para. 11)

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This discriminated the Chinese-Canadians and implies that because the men were Chinese they deserved less than white men. Chinese workers were given $1 each day with no shelter or food provided. (Canada Para. 1) They ate a main diet of rice, dried salmon, washed down with tea. The lack of vitamin C in their diets was caused because the Chinese workers weren't given enough money to buy fresh fruits. This caused many Chinese workers to obtain scurvy, which is a painful disease created by the deficiency of vitamin C. (Canada Para. 2) On the other hand, Canadian's who worked on the Canadian Pacific Railway were given $2.50 dollars a day with food and shelter provided. (Canada Para.

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