Calorie Intake Analysis: Breaking The Barrier

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1. Calorie Intake Analysis
a. Recommended number of…
i. Total Calories- 2400 ii. Empty Calories- Less than or equal to 330
1. Solid Fats- Less than or equal to 330
2. Added Sugars- Less than or equal to 330
b. On average I consumed….
i. Total Calories- 2206 ii. Empty Calories- 545
1. Solid Fats- 241
2. Added Sugars- 303
c. All of my recommended numbers were not met. This could be the result of many things. For the total calories that I consumed was a couple hundred less than what was recommended. This is more than likely because I told the site that I get an hour of exercise every day, but between going to class, doing homework, and working it makes it hard to do that every day. On the days I didn’t workout I didn’t eat as much for the …show more content…

For those people who do not like the taste of vegetables, try mixing them in smoothies for a great tasting way increasing your daily intake. Another great way to increase the amount of vegetables you eat is by keeping more vegetables in the house than junk food to increase your odds of eating them. Lastly, as soon as you get back from the grocery store, chop up any veggies that need it, bag them and store them in the freezer for easy access when in a rush. ii. Eat oatmeal for breakfast instead of sugary cereals such as Frosted Flakes or Coco Pebbles to help increase your whole grains. For lunch choose whole wheat breads for your sandwiches for a healthy alternative to white bread. Lastly, for dinner you could choose to buy whole grain pasta or brown rice. Eating more whole grains will also help to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. iii. Some ways to help the amount of empty Calories you consume is by limiting or eliminating sugary drinks from your diet. A good way to do this is by drinking more water, or propel if you still want the flavor in your drinks. If you have a sweet tooth like I do, try only using the half the amount of sugar called for when baking cakes, cookies, or any other sweets. Lastly, buy fresh fruits instead of canned fruits in order to stay away from the sugar filled, preservatives that they are stored

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