Call Of The Wild Research Paper

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In Jack London's novel, "The Call of the Wild," the central idea or theme about humans' treatment of animals is one of exploitation and cruelty. Throughout the story, we see how humans mistreat and abuse animals for their own gain, whether it be through harsh treatment, neglect, or using them for labor and entertainment. The novel sheds light on the harsh reality that many animals face at the hands of humans, and the impact that this treatment has on their physical and emotional well-being. Historically, the mistreatment of animals has been a common practice, as humans have often viewed animals as inferior beings to be used for their own purposes. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when "The Call of the Wild" was written, animal welfare …show more content…

Bergh, who founded the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in 1866, was instrumental in raising awareness about animal welfare issues and pushing for legislative reforms to protect animals from cruelty. White, a prominent animal rights activist and founder of the Women's Humane Society, also campaigned tirelessly for the humane treatment of animals and worked to improve their living conditions. "The Call of the Wild" explores the themes of survival and adaptation in the face of adversity, as the protagonist, a dog named Buck, is forced to navigate a harsh and unforgiving world where humans are the ultimate authority. Buck's journey from a pampered pet to a fierce and independent wild animal highlights the resilience and strength of animals in the face of human cruelty. The novel challenges readers to reconsider their attitudes towards animals and question the ethics of using animals for human purposes. Influential individuals such as Bergh and White have paved the way for the modern animal rights movement, which seeks to protect the rights and welfare of animals and promote a more compassionate and ethical relationship between humans and

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