California Stricter Gun Laws Essay

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Question A.
One issue that I think the Federal Government should resemble California more on is stricter gun laws. In California there is a ten day waiting period between the purchasing of a firearm and when the person receives it. The Federal Government does not have a law requiring a waiting period; on the contrary, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System states that once the purchaser passes the background check which can be done in minutes they are given the firearm ( Implementing a waiting period would at least halt the process by a bit. California also limits purchases of handguns to one within a thirty day time span. The federal Government does not limit the amount of handguns one can purchase. While I respect people's right to own …show more content…

The Federal Government does not require citizens to have a permit to carry a weapon, but should. Simply reducing the amount of guns out in the world is not going to end all problems, but would act as a preventative measure. Moreover, California does not allow ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 cartridges or rounds to be made or sold, while the Federal Government does not have a law against this. In regards to purchasing a firearm, California law states that all sales must be made via a licensed dealer under the Dealer Record of Sale process. The Federal Government is not as strict in this regard as it does not require that a record is kept if the purchase is from an unlicensed private seller in the same state. I think it is extremely important for the government to be able to access records of gun ownership. The Dealer Record of Sale process in California requires those looking to purchase a firearm to present an identification card, for non-US Citizens this could be in the form of an Alien Registration Number ( Proof of California residency is also required. Federally, if a background check cannot be completed within three days the purchaser may still receive

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