Burma Shave Club Case Study

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Compare and contrast the two media campaigns from a historical perspective. How are they alike? How are they different?
From a historical perspective, both of the products are alike in that, they are both shaving products for men and they were both successful at sales in their respective eras though they used different marketing strategies. They were also alike because they used humor to capture the attention of future purchasers. The difference between the two was that Burma Shave Club only used road signs are their form of advertisement but then again, Burma Shave came out in the 1920s so I personally think, that their marketing strategy was good for that time period. They were popular until 1963, when there last signs appeared. The Dollar
Why was this so effective at the time?
Burma Shave used road signs to reach their audience. It was effective because the phrases and poems on the signs where cheeky and funny and reading one sign made you wonder what you will read when you see another sign.
The Dollar Shave Club used modern technology and humor in the shape of a video commercial to reach their target audience. It is effective because Michael Dubin, the CEO of the company, and the commercial star, implemented just enough humor in the message that you are most likely to remember what it was about, therefore creating sales for the company.
Based on your research, which media campaign was the most groundbreaking for its time? Why?
I would say that the Burma Shave campaign was the most groundbreaking for its time because, although it was crated for men who shave, there were also signs that appealed to the women. For instance, one of the signs that were put up in 1930 said: Does your husband / Misbehave / Grunt and grumble / Rant and rave / Shoot the brute some / Burma-Shave. This specific sign spoke to the
There was one specific commercial I saw on YouTube where they had girls some in and they asked them questions like; “What does it mean to do things ‘like a girl?” and “Have you ever been told you do something ‘like a girl?” The campaign teaches girls not to limit themselves to what society says girls are supposed to do. One of their slogans is “Don’t stop until you’re UNSTOPPABLE!” I think that is a good message to spread to girls of all ages.
What "demographic" is this campaign targeting? Do you feel you specifically fit their target or might they be surprised that you are a fan? The campaign targets females of all ages and race, especially the younger generation. I hope to one day have girls of my own so that I can teach them that they are not only meant to be house wives and to not listen to people that tell them they can’t do certain things because that is not what girls are supposed to do. I do not thing anyone would be surprised that I am a fan of the campaign.
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