Burka Banned

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The burka, should it be banned or not? The 'burka' is a garment for women to cover the whole of their body, from head to toe, with a mesh cloth over the eyes and it is worn by Muslim women out in public. This is a controversial garment as a lot of Britain’s think we should be banning the burka-like our European neighbours such as France, Belgium and the Netherland’s. Some would argue that the burka is a danger to the public and would like to see this item of clothing banned. Others, however, see the criminalisation of the burka offensive and believe Muslim women should be able to wear what they please.
Perhaps the strongest argument for banning the burka is security reasons. There have been many successful security breaches where people have …show more content…

This shows that wearing a burka in court provides some serious risks and allows questions to arise, questioning the authenticity of the person standing before them.
Many would argue that when you stand in court and swear an oath, you are swearing to be your true self and nothing but the truth. But how could these women be their true selves in front of a court and jury if they cannot wear the one garment that symbolises them the most? By taking away the traditional clothing of these women, we cannot expect them to be their true selves in courtrooms due to the fact they will be missing the garment that expresses them the most.
Correspondingly, many who oppose the burka would argue that they do so because it is an item of oppression. It is argued that the burka is a garment that reinforces the inferior status of women. For them, it is a concern these women will be controlled by the men and that it lowers the dignity and equality of the women in burkas. It is further argued that the burka reverses some of the breakthroughs that women as a whole have had in the previous decades determining the role us females have in today’s

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