Should The Burqa Be Banned

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It might be argued that Britain should ban the Burqa for various reasons but some people might argue against it. I would put forward the fact that more people would like to ban the Burqa but for religious reasons people would like to keep that Burqa legal as they feel safer. Many Muslim women are offended or being put in danger due to constant threats because they wear a Burqa. Should this be allowed? One of the reasons that women wear the Burqa is to cover their face and body for religious reasons but also to avoid the Nah-Mahram. The Nah-Mahram are men that are not allowed to see women without their Burqa. Some women wear it as an act of virtue or to please Allah. In Afghanistan 87 percent of women reported experiencing domestic violence (1). Wearing the Burqa allows women to cover up the abuse and gives the abuser freedom to do what they like to their partners or other women. Women who have had this happen to them could feel scared that nobody knows and they also might be too scared to come forward about it, whereas if they were not wearing the Burqa people could see what was really …show more content…

“Mohammed Ahmed Mohamed escaped from a Mosque in Acton by dressing in a Burqa and was running away. After running away, he was put on a TPIM (Terrorism prevention and investigation measure).” (3) This will stop him from travelling overseas to support terrorism. “If a man was to go into a public place wearing a balaclava or a motorcycle helmet, he would be made to take it off. I don't think it is right for women to be an exception. Also, the covering of one's face can be frightening and threatening to those around them.”(4) For security reasons in shops and stores people should be made to take off items of clothing that covers their face. If there was a crime committed and their face was covered, it would make it very hard for the police to identify the

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