Bullying In Schools Chapter 19 Summary

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Within Chapter 19 of the DOE it states that “ ‘Bullying’ means any written, verbal, graphic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibits towards other particular student(s) and the behavior causes mental or physical harm to the other student(s); and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s).”(Education) This is what the school's definition of bullying is so that it children are able to identify what bullying is when seen. In the next statement made my chapter 19 talks more about the policy. The policy basically tells other students about what others could possibly be bullying another about, and how it strictly prohibits the actions that will not be tolerated
“The department of education strictly prohibits discrimination, including harassment, by any employee against a student based on the following protected classes: race, color, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, and/or religion. In addition to the above protected basis, …show more content…

This little boy's name is Richie it was his first day back to school and he was thinking about how exciting it was going to be and how he was gonna see all of his friends from the year before. Richie got to school early and ready to have fun but when he got there he was greeted by a few of the older kids, since Richie was such a happy kid he tried to make friends with them only to his surprize, they were not looking to be friends, instead they wanted to be the exact opposite. At first Richie was confused when they asked why his mom dropped him off instead of his dad, after Richie told them he didn't have a father the began to laugh and tell him that his dad probably never wanted him if he didn't have one. Richie was really hurt inside and he didn’t know why the older kids would do that to him, but little did Richie know that it wasn’t

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