Trent Monologue Essay

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The Draft There was man named Trent. He went to go for a walk in a town. Trent got to this town. There were very few people in the town, actually there was nobody in the town, but Trent. Trent said to himself this was all too weird so he decided to go home. Trent went to the mailbox. He saw this man that gave him an envelope saying “Confidential!!!”. Trent gets inside and says Brenda get the kids in here tell them we need to talk. Brenda gets the kids Trent says I went for a walk and this man gave me a letter he told me to open it with you guys. Trent opens the envelope it says we have been watching you since you were little. You used to play army now you don't need to play you will be fighting for our country in one month. You will …show more content…

Trent thought this was very strange because it was the same town he went for his walk on. He walked around for a little bit and found a bunch of men with this older guy. He walked up to them and said my name is Trent I need help finding some people. The older man interrupted and said we are the army crew you are with us. Your stuff is over there go grab it we will leave to the base in 30 minutes. Trent was mad he never said goodbye to his family. Trent went off to war and got shot. He was airlifted to a hospital but he died at the hospital. Brenda was notified that her husband had died in the war but he is in a better place. The funeral will be a week from now the man said that knocked on her door. Brenda burst into tears and fell on the floor. The kids rushed down the stairs to see what happened the man said I am sorry to say but your father has died in the war. The oldest kid said that isn't possible. Mom said daddy was lost and nobody knew where he went. Brenda said I am sorry I lied to you. I did not want you guys to worry. It was a week after the funeral and Brenda got a letter from Trent. She said this is impossible he died. Brenda opened the letter. It said Brenda I miss you and the kids very much. I got shot in the arm but I am ok. I will be back in 4

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