Bullying Essay Outline

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Chantal Ellis
Professor Cook
ENGL 1302
October 29, 2016
Research Essay: How Should Schools Handle the Issue of Bullying?
Over the last several years, bullying in schools has been a prevalent topic on the news and social media, although it has existed much longer. Bullying represents a significant problem in U.S. schools, affecting approximately one in three children. (Somokowski/Kopasz, 2004) School bullying is defined as physical, verbal, or psychological abuse of victims by perpetrators who intend to cause them harm. (Graham, 2016) School bullying has become so frequent now-a-days, that all fifty states have passed school anti-bullying legislation. Still, some school administrators and teachers are ill-equipped and lack the tools and training …show more content…

It is important to address it before it gets out of hand. There are many ways that the enforcement of policies and security can be enforced. School officials and teachers can monitor it by enforcing school policies against bullying, engage parents and community agencies, and increasing security or adult supervision on their campus “hot spots” where bullying occurs.

O’ Moore, Mona. Dealing with bullying in Schools: a training manual for teachers, parents and other professionals. Sage Publications, 2004

Somokowski, Paul and Kopasz, Kelly. “Bullying in School” An Overview of Types, Effects, Family Characteristics, and Intervention Strategies.” Children & Schools, vol. 27, no. 2, 2004, pp. 101-110.

Graham, Sandra. “Victims of Bullying in Schools.” Theory into Practice, vol. 55, no. 2, 2016, pp. 1-8.

Dubreuil, Jim and McNiff, Eamon. “Bullied to Death in America’s Schools.” ABC News. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/TheLaw/school-bullying-epidemic-turningdeadly/storyid=1180841 Carle, Brian. “Smarter Surveillance: Driving Demand for Better Video Coverage at School.” Security Today.

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