Budweiser Rebranding Strategy

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The article discusses a few marketing concepts Budweiser has adopted in its rebranding strategy for its new campaign for Summer 2016 in conjunction with the upcoming presidential elections that will be taking place. Branding and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) will be the main topics discussed in this essay.
A brand is more than just a product, it can be a person, product, service, organisation, movement or idea (McLaughlin, 2012). Emotional branding and seasonal branding are the two branding tactics that are discussed in the article, which are adopted by Budweiser in their attempt at revamping their product for a limited time. Emotional branding is a marketing tool that utilises emotions to develop an emotional connection with consumers …show more content…

The existence of branding helps shapes consumers’ search strategies when it comes to deciding what to purchase (Moorthy, Ratchford and Talukdar, 1997). When making quick decisions, consumers will not turn to the brand that lacks credibility despite its ability to meet their needs. This is further supported by experts such as Arthur Wolak, co-founder of Arelco Promotional Group, who claims that branding encourages clients and employees to be loyal and proud to be part of the said brand (Wolak AJ, 2002). In …show more content…

Furthermore, there is lack of proof that supports the effectiveness of IMC and joint acceptance between professionals that IMC is a difficult phenomenon to define theoretically due to its complex nature and wide spectrum of functions (Barker, 2013). Similarly, it is argued that a cohesive message is not necessary, and a brand-centered approach is just as effective as IMC, the brand being the centre of all business dealings (Du Plessis, van Heerdeen and Gordon, 2010). Thus, there has been an alternate theory proposed by Rachel Barket: Strategic Integrated Communication (SIC). This theory involves the use of a structured guideline that includes strategic intent set out to achieve a company's goals, instead of only synergizing the communication

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