Buck's Heroism In Call Of The Wild

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First off, Buck shows an act of heroism when he backs up and defends John Thornton at a bar. A very evil-tempered and malicious man named Burton was trying to pick a fight with the tenderfoot at the bar, and John Thornton came in between the two men. Without warning, Burton struck Thornton across the face. Instantly Buck hurled himself into Burton. “Those who were looking on heard what was neither bark nor yelp, but a something which is best described as a roar, and they saw Buck’s body rise up in the air as he left the floor for Burton’s throat” (87). Buck had to be pried off of Burton, so he didn’t kill him. Buck almost killed a man who only punched Thornton. If Buck had no civilization in him like critics said, he wouldn’t have defended his master. It even said in the book, “But his reputation was made, and from that day his name spread through every camp in Alaska” (87). This reputation he made was, “If you set a finger on John Thornton and Buck was around, be ready to get your head ripped off”. The only reason he had this reputation was because of the intense love he had for his owner, and a …show more content…

John Thornton is challenged with a bet of $1,600 that Buck cannot pull a 1,000 pound sled 100 yards. Because it normally took ten dogs to pull a sled of that size, the chance of Buck winning the bet was very slim. “He had caught the contagion of excitement, and he felt that in some way he must do a great thing for John Thornton” (93). There were many men who believed that Buck could not pull such a load, but because of his courage and strength like true heroes posses, he persevered and he pulled the sled 100 yards. Buck could have easily given up because the prize of winning had no benefit for him, but because he wasn’t a barbaric beast, he did it for his master. He accomplished a feat many dogs can not even come close to doing, and this is why Buck is actually a true

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