Bruce Wayne Hero's Journey

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Campbell tells us that the heroes journey can be described as “a hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from his mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man”. If we link this idea of the hero’s journey and compare it to the life a Bruce Wayne in the film trilogy we discover that throughout the three films, there is quite distinct cycle that the batman follows.
“He is the hero that Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.” Police commissioner Gordon.
First is the call to adventure this is when the hero first gets the call to embark on an adventure. But even before Bruce …show more content…

This make up the bulk of the first two films. He is confronted with the challenges that the mob brings with their money and corruption, then he is faced with the joker and his evil methods and ruthless way of dealing with things. Then he is faced by his ultimate opponent, Bain. Bain takes over Gotham and forces it into a new order of chaos. Throughout all the trails he has a helper and a mentor to help quite him through the storms past and to come. The first of which is batman’s helper Lucius Fox, he provides batman with all the gear and gadgets. Next and more importantly I think is batman’s and Bruce Wayne’s mentor, Alfred. Alfred has been the butler at Wayne manor since before Bruce was born. But he is so much more than just a butler. He is the one who is always there to stich Bruce up when he comes home, Alfred has always told Bruce what he thinks is right and always been true to Bruce and the city of Gotham. Alfred mentors Bruce the whole way through the trilogy and at the end is one who tells him that enough is enough and that if he carries on with the life he is living it won’t end well. Alfred is also the one who envisioned a life for Bruce outside Gotham and outside the …show more content…

As he thinks he is above the law but the truth is that the law needs him. In the heroes journey one must atone as it is part of the cycle. For batman his atonement is closely linked with his time in the pit. You could really only say that he atones in the last film for the actions across the trilogy. Batman atones for all his sins in the pit where after he rises above them, he leaves it all behind in the pit. In the pit he learns from the prison doctor and his friend about the power of fear and that is what the bat symbol was, it was just another symbol of fear. Or it’s a symbol of hope but it depends on what side you are on, if you are loyal to Banes cause then it is fear and Bane is your symbol of

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