Brown Headed Cowbird Oral Presentation

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Oral Presentation #1: The first presentation that I attended during the STARS Symposium was about Environmental Science and Ecology. The presenter was Jamie Lane, and she was a Environmental Science graduate student at UIS. Her presentation was called “Spatial Association Between Bison and Brown-Headed Cowbirds” and it focused on a species, the brown-headed cowbird, that had not been studied much previously. The purpose of this study was to reveal the relationship between bison and the brown-headed cowbirds, and also to observe the distance between female cowbirds in feeding and nonfeeding ranges. Jamie Lane did not mention a specific hypothesis for her research. To carry out this study, Jamie Lane and others who helped her tagged 20 …show more content…

The poster presentation was presented by Martina Martin, a senior who is a Clinical Lab Science major at UIS. Her presentation was titled “Take Back Your Stem Cells: The Key to Treatment of Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma” and it explains how your own stem cells can help treat and cure a rare form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Martina’s purpose of this experiment was to find the best treatment option for this patient that would be the least impactful on the patient. What happened is that a perfectly healthy 67 year old female suddenly started getting scabbing and itchy rashes all her her skin while in the Dominican Republic in January. She agreed to go through with this special treatment that entailed high-dose chemotherapy and then the harvesting, treating, and reimplantation of her own stem cells back into her own body. This allowed her to not need immunosuppressant drugs to lower the risk of rejection, because the stem cells are hers and would not be attacked by her own body. As a result, she was able to leave an hour after the transplant and be at her house during the recovery process as there was no risk of infection involved. As a result of this different treatment, her family saved $129,000 that would have otherwise gone to hospital bills if she would have had the normal stem cell transplant from a different donor. Overall, the cost to her family was only $250,000 compared to the $500,000 that it would have been if she had gotten a transplant from a different donor and therefore would have required an extensive hospital stay. Martina concluded that this treatment of using one’s own stem cells to help treat this rare form of cancer would result in a better chance of complete remission from this cancer. She also concluded that this was beneficial for this female patient because it prevented having to be exposed to immunosuppressants and

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