Stem Cell Therapy

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Toby Dilworth Shear Period 2 English 10 Honors 14 May 2014 Stem Cell Research Imagine that there is a cure for nearly every ailment that affects the human race. Imagine that you could help the terminally ill, put those you love out of pain, and cut the healing time of an enormous number of serious illnesses in half. Imagine a world in which pain and suffering would be nearly nonexistent, and the people you love can live safe from the fear of crippling injury. Now what if I told you that this utopia was a fast approaching reality? Everything from serious life threatening burns to lymphoma, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, and Strokes could, in the very near future, be eliminated through the simple culturing and implementation of stem cell therapy . These diseases are no small component of the myriad of conditions that plagues the human race, and yet, the end for these horrible maladies could very well be in sight. Man has always sought to end suffering, largely without success, until now. the promise that stem cell therapy holds could completely change our world for the better. Already, stem cell therapy is being used to treat leukemia, immune disorders, hodgkins and non-hodgkins lymphoma, anemia and a profusion of other ailments. As you all know, this is no small accomplishment. One day i believe that we may look at alzheimer's and diabetes and other major illnesses much like we look at polio today, as a treatable illness. Right now, our research with stem cells is providing us with new light into how we look at and model disease, our ability to understand why we get sick and even to develop new drugs. In 2008, a researcher from the New York Stem Cell Foundation Laborato... ... middle of paper ... ...ut it, this helpless young girl would have died in the same hospital she was born in, hooked to the same machine she had always been tied to and trapped in the same hell she had always known. But, with this technology, Hannah is able to lead a normal life at home with her loving family and enjoy all of the best parts of life as a normal and happy child. Hannah is only one of a countless number of people that was helped and will be helped by this astounding innovation. the applications of stem cell therapy are boundless. just think what this means for your loved ones. think what implications this holds for the entirety of mankind. stem cell research is the life preserver that will save humankind from the myre of problems it has caused for itself and many others that is hasn't. it is like the water used to douse the fire of the aggregation of all of our problems.

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