Broke College Student

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“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” That is a famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi who was a famous philosopher and the preeminent leader of the Indian Independence movement in the British ruled India. When you ask most people my age who they are, most would respond with saying they are a broke college student. Before I took this class I would have had that same response to the question, but now I have a different answer to that question after completing this class. I would reply with not only am I a broke college student, but I am a son to a caring mother and father. I am a brother to a loving older sister. I am a boyfriend to an amazing girl I have been with close to a year now. When people need to talk …show more content…

A hero does not have to slay a dragon and save the princess from the castle because that is only one example. There are thousands of ways you can be a hero through anyone’s eyes. All you have to do is make an impact on their life through something you have done for them. I know it is a cliché, but my girlfriend looks at me as a hero because of how caring I am towards others and I am also trying to make people feel better if they are down. Even before being in this class I have raised this question, “Why do good people suffer?” I used to ask myself that when I was younger in junior high because I had three close family members die within 2 months. It was a really hard time for my family and I question god why he took those three angels. I realize now that there was a meaning in the suffering. The suffering was a test to strengthen us, which is what God was looking for. God tested this in the book of Job with pretty much destroying his life even though he was a good person. It was a test because he killed his family and all of his animals. Satan was looking for Job to curse God but instead Job cursed the day he was born. Job stated, “Let the day perish in which I was born, and that night that said, a man-child is conceived” (Meeks 696). Then, in the Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt brought up the idea that suffering may help us. Haidt states, “The adversity hypothesis has a weak and …show more content…

There are many things in life that I can do to make me happier as a person. You still have to put others before yourself. That is something that I can see giving myself the most joy by changing somebody’s day and making it better. I can think of times when my girlfriend or friends were not having a good day so I did everything in my power to cheer them up. I would make silly faces, noises, and tickle them to cheer them up. Once they finally crack and show a smile, it is one of the best feelings in the world to experience. They don’t want to smile because they are so upset but they are happy that you were able to cheer them up. One thing that has made my life better and made me happier over the past eleven months is my girlfriend. She has completely turned my life around for the better. I personally would be afraid to see where I would be at this point in time if I wasn’t with her. Another thing I enjoy in life is dogs. The loyalty they have for you and the unconditional love they have for you, which you of course return. One thing that would keep me happy in the future is to keep my body healthy. “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”

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