British Imperalism in India

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Britain had a desire to have a more economic, political, and social influence over India. Even though the British never preserved a notable military existence in India, they were able to maintain political control. Many changes were made, which benefitted India, but there were also some changes, which contributed to its deterioration. Despite the negative impacts Britain left on India, imperialism is best understood as a strong country extending its authority, in order to increase its wealth, by bringing more of the world under its control, because Britain helped in the development of India from a nation-state, to a unified country, which is modernly the world’s largest democracy. Britain, a strong nation, demanded more influence over the economic, political, and social lives of the Indian people. They were determined to shape the economy of India, to benefit European economies. Britain also wanted the people to adopt their customs. Initially, the British government controlled the East India Company’s efforts in both India and London. Up until the start of the nineteenth century, the East India Company governed India with very little intrusion from the British government. The company had its own army, which was headed by British officers and the staff was made up of sepoys, which were Indian soldiers. The British East India Company management represented Britain in India. Originally, the British valued India, not because of its profit, but because of its potential for success. With the Industrial Revolution, Britain had developed into an international factory, with India as its supplier for raw materials. The British thought of India as its “jewel in the crown.” They thought of India as the most treasured and valuable of a... ... middle of paper ... rule, propelling their prize colony into the modern world of industry, economy, and education, and unknowingly preparing India for its future independence. Works Cited "The Value of Imperialism to European Countries up to the Early 20th Century [History notes] » Intense Cogitation." Intense Cogitation » Your source for IB help and university advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . "The Age of Imperialism." World history patterns of interaction. Evanston, Ill.: McDougal Littell, 2009. 791-795. Print. scandals, several major political corruption. "HISTORY OF INDIA." A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. .

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