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The first world war
Roles of women during ww2
Roles of women during ww2
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Britain in the First World War Introduction Recruitment and conscription had become a big issue at the beginning and propaganda was used to change the attitudes of the public. After the First World War, life in Britain had changed dramatically. Britain owed nearly six billion pounds to the Americans. Air raids back on the British homeland had killed over one thousand people and left millions homeless. In total nearly one million British people had died during the war. Women had come to do the jobs of men, and governments had taken new measures to ensure we had won this new kind of war. The League of Nations had been intended to bring peace back to Europe and the world but only brought more bitterness. Recruitment Before conscription, men would be encouraged by their families to enlist and fight for the country. Propaganda was used to stir up the ideas and emotions of what kizer whilhelm had in mind for Europe and to bring out countrymen's patriotic duties. When Lord Kitchener as put in charge of Britain's fight against the Germans he realized that more men would be needed. The BEF (British Expeditionary Force) only had one hundred thousand men and so the recruitment drive had begun. Women were encouraged to persuade men to enlist, and at the height of the recruitment drive half a million had enlisted. Men that didn't enlist were seen as cowards and given white feathers to wear in public. Many feared that the war would be over before they got to the front. All countries involved had greeted the war with enthusiasm hoping to fight for 'King and country'. Conscription Conscription was introduced... ... middle of paper ... ...re that this could never happen again. America on the other hand wanted to keep Germany from being punished too much incase any thing like this happen again. Britain was in the middle of all this. They understood were both nations were coming from. They agreed on the punishment and forced Germany to sign the treaty of Versailles. The British blockade had starved the Germans into surrendering. The German public had nicknamed the government the 'November Criminals'. The League of Nations had been created by woodrow Wilson but when he backed out, the league was left with no real power. The permanent members were still recovering after war. The league had more defeats then victories and rarely brought peace to rising conflicts. The American public had felt they should never have gotten involved with European affairs.
The First World War presented European women with ample opportunity to step up and demonstrate their strength; however men of this era had conflicting opinions of how capable women were to take on a man’s occupation. Therefore, it was necessary for women to prove their abilities and destroy the widespread belief of their stupidity and ignorance. To begin, it was during this era of World War 1 and directly after this that women were able to prove themselves as vital members of the economy and society of Europe. In Document 1, a picture depicts the harsh patriarchal society that women were forced to change by showing a woman being ignored by a man. The purpose of this photo of a female figure arguing that women were strong enough to save men
At the beginning of the war, 20,00 men enlisted to fight in the war, which was 2.5% of the possible pool of over 800,000 eligible men, this number then increased to 50,000 at the end of the first year. This was a good representation of the rush that there was to enlist which was largely due to all of the mythical representations of the war and also the rewards for enlisting which included the chance to travel Europe with a decent pay of 6 shillings a day 3 times what a British troop would have earned and also the reward of honour and respect. The war was also seen as al...
Germany continued to push buttons resulting in the world jumping into a World War. Nations desired to grow and gain more influence. Danger increased while others selfish dictators were trying to bloom. In The Treaty of Versailles an article stated that German troops were forbidden from entering
.... The wages of women started to go up. The armed forces started to employ women as drivers, cooks, storekeepers, clerks, telephone operators and administration. It was soon recognised women were more than competent in a range of tasks, including the management of farms and businesses.
Some women enlisted in the army to fight on the battlefield. Their reasons varied as some fought for money and
Sister Claire Evelyn Trestrail was the eldest of five being born on the 10th of December, 1877 in Clare, South Australia. Trestrail served in the First World War as a nurse following in her mother’s footsteps who was a trained nurse, Acting Matron of King Edward Hospital in Perth and also had involvement within the Red Cross and the Saint John’s Ambulance Services. Trestrail’s younger siblings also had involvement within the First World War with her two younger brothers; John Henry and Amarald Glen, serving in the royal Flying Corps and respectively, 1 Machine Battalion. Amarald was also presented with a Military Medal for Gallantry at Villaret. Sister Ella also served as a nurse, got married, but tragically returned as an amputee. It was only her youngest sister Amy who did not serve during the war.
many men were involved in the war, women finally had their chance to take on many of
brigades and signed up to be nurses. This war forced woman of both sides into the public life.
World War I caused a lot of damage to different countries and the Treaty of Versailles punished Germany harshly for starting the war. In the years following the war, Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power and gained control of Germany and its government. Also, the League of Nations was set up to help keep peace between countries.
One argument in favour of women shows pictures of what men could be: A convict, lunatic, owner of white slaves, unfit for service and a drunkard. This portrayed men as being responsible, but they still could vote. Then it shows what women could achieve: Mayor, nurse, mother doctor or teacher or a factory hand, which showed them as responsible but they still couldn't the vote.1 Men's attitude towards women during the First World War was still negative. The ability of women to take on the roles of men meant that increasing numbers of men were vulnerable to conscription.2 The women were told that they couldn't vote because they weren't fighting for their country. They couldn't fight because they weren't allowed to.
On June 28, 1919 the Treaty of Versailles was signed and World War 1 had officially come to an end. Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versaille because they could no longer afford to participate in the war. The Treaty of Versailles was put in place to punish Germany. (New York Times) There were three things that greatly affected Germany caused by the war and the Treaty. First Germany lost much of its land and territory and during this time the condition of Germany’s economy was terrible. The Treaty of Versailles caused many debts and limitations. The citizens of Germany were greatly affected by the treaty too. They were ashamed of what had happened during and after the war and they also had to pay for the mistakes their government made as well.
During World War One, the role of airplanes and how they were used changed greatly. At first planes were only used for sport, but people started realize that not only could airplanes be useful but they could even influence an outcome of the war greatly. Soon the war was filled with blimps, planes, and tethered balloons. By the end of the war, planes became a symbol of fear, but they were not always treated with such respect. In the time leading up to the war, the general feeling about planes was, they were a sneaky, unfair tactic that should not be used in warfare.
If you think about it, throughout the course of several years a country could possibly run into hundreds of disputes and small wars. If America had to come to that country’s aid time and time again, it could get very draining on the population, economy, and government. Joining The League may also have allowed foreign hands to grasp hold of America and possibly try to take over. If one of the countries had tried this, there would have been another, very large war much sooner than
World War 1 World War 1 was called “The Great War”, “The war to end all wars”, and “The first modern war”. It has many causes and a few repercussions and I will describe them in detail. The most widely known reason for the start of World War 1 was the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in the Serbian capital of Sarajevo. The ArchDuke was there to talk to the Serbian leaders about peace on the Balkan Peninsula. After a Serbian was arrested for the assassination, Austria-Hungary pulled out of the peace talks and declared war on Serbia.
It’s 4:30am on September 1st, 1939 and the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein awaits for the order to open fire on the Polish garrison of the Westerplatte Fort, Danzig in what was to become the first military engagement of World War II. Meanwhile, sixty two German divisions supported by 1,300 fighter planes prepared for the invasion of Poland. Fifteen minutes later the invasion would take place and spark the beginning of World War II. Two days later at 9am Great Britain would send an ultimatum to Germany, demanding that they pull from Poland or go to war with Great Britain. Four hours later the Ultimatum would expire and Great Britain would officially be at war with Germany on September 3rd, 1939. Six hours later France would also declare war on Germany.