Brief Summary Of 'Wild' By Cheryl Strayed

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Wild is a story about a young women named Cheryl Strayed, who deals with a number of major events occurring in her life, consisting of her and her husband separating, while at the same time mourning over the death of her mother which ultimately separates her family apart from one another. She decides to cop with all this by hiking the PCT as a way of self discovery. Between the time after her mother dies and before she starts the hike, Cheryl decides to make a number of decisions that I personally think were uncalled for and in some cases, quite extreme. Her back and forth relationship with her ex-husband Paul was quite unnecessarily complex in my o. I felt this due to the fact that almost every time these two characters encountered each other, …show more content…

During the time period where she was using heroin and having pointless sex with her partner at the time made me feel conflicted, due to this particular decision making me feel confused as to why she was doing this but at the same time feeling sorry for her due to this being her initial way of dealing with everything currently happening in her life. Reading about the authors drug use and thinking about how her downwards journey began made me think about how drugs and alcohol affect people my age and the reason why the start to use it. A Lot of troubled teenagers tend to go to drugs and alcohol as a way of escaping their harsh lives which often consists of abuse and neglect. The authors experience with drugs reminded me of some teenagers who go through drug abuse because both the author and teenagers who do drugs take drugs for the same reason, which is for a way to escape their harsh

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