Brian And Stewie Character Analysis

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In the family guy episode “Brian and Stewie”, Brian and Stewie, as you could have guessed, get trapped inside of a vault for forty-eight hours. I argue that the meaning for this forced confinement was to give Stewie and Brian a chance to define their relationship ,which by the end of this essay you will see has a deeper meaning. Throught the family guy series they have gone on many an adventure but, never said they were friends, brothers, or simply roommates. We all know everyone hates Meg, Peter loves Brian, Brian loves Lois, Quagmire hates Brian, Stewie loves Ruppert, a little too much, Chris hates the monkey in his closet, but what of Brian and Stewie? Within the first 9 minutes of the the show Brian does the unthinkable for Stewie after having one of the most intense arguments with a gun, he …show more content…

Now i don't know about you but if it was the only way, well let's just say he must be a great friend. While Stewie watches Brian eat the poop, he barfs, and in an attempt to make the situation better tells Brian he,“has some dessert for him”. Brian then willingly cleans up the mess. After a few hours of sleep the duo wakes up and begin sharing a bottle of scotch. This allows them to let loose and confess things they wouldn't have said otherwise. At some point Stewie asks Brian if the “Dog whisperer” holds any truth. Brian then says that Cesar Millan speaks about living in the moment and that for dogs it is simply instinct. Stewie then attempts to get Brian to think about his own life by asking if whether or not he lives with purpose. Brian takes it as if Stewie was stating outright that he has no purpose and begins to yell hysterically. He then offends Stewie's choice of clothing and another argument ensues. The gun misfires and the bullet ricochets around

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