Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day?

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Eating or not eating foods is a personal act in which we symbolically consume our identity. It communicates to others our beliefs, culture, social background and experience; it shapes our outer appearance and our health. American cookbook author, teacher, and syndicated columnist, James Andrew Beard states “Food is our common ground, a universal experience”. The role that food plays in shaping our identity is something we all share, but it is also something we use to set us apart from other. We are greatly defined by the choices of our foods and it constructs our identity. Choosing to eat a healthy breakfast defines who you will be throughout the day. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you heard of the phrase “ Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, because it is. Being a college student is tough and as for me, I’m disciplining myself to keep up before I get left behind any further. Juggling school and work, it becomes almost impossible to pull myself out of my warm snuggly bed in the morning to make myself breakfast to start off my day. So I usually skip breakfast and go straight to school. Eating breakfast is crucial to what we are. It has …show more content…

In the movie Food Inc., the Gonzales family displays the perfect example through their struggle to provide healthy high quality food for their children. With a tight schedule and low budget, they can only afford cheap fast food to get them through the day. Society would put them in the bottom class, whereas the upper-echelons of society can easily afford high status foods. Fine dining has further enhanced exclusivity with people of money from the masses by providing top service, expensive, rare quality foods. Certain cultures define wealth through body image. An area where food is abundant people that are thin shows higher status, whereas areas where food is scarce, having a good amount of meat on your bones or obesity shows

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