Bread And Roses Essay

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The controversial film Bread and Roses of 2000, was directed by Ken Loach. The storyline deals with the struggle of inadequately paid janitors, all around, but mainly focused in Los Angeles. Their fight for higher wages, better working conditions, and the right to unionize. It is based on the “Justice for Janitors” movement of the Service Employees International Union. The main dispute is that these people who are working at low wages, without insurance, vacation, and in bad working conditions are mainly Hispanic. In the film Bread and Roses, we see a real humanistic story of an immigrant in the United States. For me, it represents the hard life of most of the immigrants who are working and living in this authoritative country right now. There …show more content…

A good example is Maya and the other janitors. They made it a point in the movie to explain that janitors and other people who work in the offices do not receive the same benefits, wages, or treatments. That is why Maya wanted to fight for her rights, because she wanted benefits and a reasonable pay for her and all the janitors. One of the main things that stood out to me was when she said that immigrants are very important in this country, because is true. If we think of the immigrants that work in the fields, factories, cleaning houses and other jobs, immigrants are helping this country in a great way, but I can't accept the treatment and corruption that some people use to treat the immigrant workers like; and even if it's a person who is of their own race, like the manager of the janitors in the film. The way he talks to his employees like they aren’t humans, the words he uses to speak to them, the names he calls them; it is absolutely repulsive. Especially the way he talked to the woman who had worked for him for seventeen years when he was firing her because she wouldn’t tell him who set up the

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