Too Ways To Belong By Bharati Mukherjee Summary

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Literature has been written and studied for thousands of years, but why do humans love the written word? Literature is way for us to learn about each other whether it be our grandparent, neighbor, or a civilization across the planet. The most informational and interesting piece I’ve read over this semester is “Too Ways to Belong” Bharati Mukherjee. This story is written about the relationship between Bharati and her sister Mira, more than that though, this story is about the different ways immigrants approach living in the United States. In short, Bharati seeks to assimilate herself into American society and culture while her sister, Mira, wishes to remain true to her Indian roots while at the same time flourishing in this new land of opportunity. Reading this story, I learned a lot about the way immigrants view our country and how their culture differs from my own. I believe literature is so beloved because it allows people to connect and learn about one another from great distances without ever meeting. …show more content…

I feel like this story speaks to me personally and has something to teach me. This story, heavily grounded in themes of brotherly love and family ties, is about two estranged brothers. One brother lives a good life and walks the right path, but the other wastes his potential by getting into trouble. The first brother cannot turn his back on his brother and eventually walks with him on a road to recovery. The story ends with the second brother, Sonny, realizing his true potential as a musician. It is this element of self-understanding that makes this story so great. I have a large family and three brothers of my own, when I read this story I feel like I learn more about my own situation and better appreciate the family I have been

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