Brand New World Chapter 8 Analysis

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In Chapter 8 of Brand New World, something that caught my eye was the way Huxley takes an idea, and enables the characters and the reader to relate to it. He takes one characteristic and one feeling that everybody is able to have, no matter where they live or how they are conditioned and allows the reader to have a personal connection to it. This is the idea presented by John, the young man who has a civilized father, and a once civilized mother. He states, “If one’s different, one’s bound to be lonely”. I think that in this quote, Huxley is trying to say that two different people with two completely different backgrounds and influences, are able to feel the same thing in a world where they aren’t supposed to. Bernard and John aren’t supposed to relate to each other at all. Bernard isn’t supposed to have feelings, because of the way he was conditioned. They are supposed to be completely different because of their conditioning, but they aren’t, and that’s the irony of the situation. John has lived with Indians all his life, and Bernard has been conditioned to live and act differently than John, but they still are able to connect with each other. This is a sign that no matter how hard the world state tries to control humans behavior, they can’t control everyone’s. …show more content…

Being different from what your society expects you to be, guarantees that you will be lonely, no matter what society you live in. These two characters have both been outcasted, been put down, and the reader has either seen this happen or had this happen to them in their own lives, which allows them to connect with the characters and the plot of the

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