Boy Scouts Research Paper

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On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty To God and my country. That is part of a quote you have to say at the beginning of every meeting in Boy Scouts. I tell you this because this essay is about some of the things I thought you would be interested in to know about me, and I even started off about how I am in Boy Scouts. Like I said I am in Boy Scouts, I love and enjoy being a boy scout , it’s a fun organization. My troop always looks forward to the summer because one week every year we go to a summer camp call Camp Geiger. The camp is located in St. Joe,Missouri. We spend a whole week of getting badges, swimming, and a whole lot of other fun activities. Our troop also goes camping in the summer, winter, and sometimes over the weekends. We also go on long trips, like this year we went to Colorado for about 4-5 days, and it was a lot of fun. Every Monday we have our meetings and there we discuss things, for instance what we will do in the future, and we play games, and we do a knot of the week where someone has to learn a knot and show it to the troop every Monday. …show more content…

The next thing about me is the fact that I like to play video games at home. I am mainly an action game fan where you have fights and adventures.The best game I have so far is GTA5 which is very fun, you get to do missions to a storyline, and there are side missions, for instance racing, or last team standing matches. You can also

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