Bow Hunting Research Paper

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Why Archery Hunting is Bad Almost half of the deer that are shot by archery hunters are wounded and suffer a long time. Bow hunting can be unethical because half the deer shot are never found and die a very slow painful death a week or so later. Although, bow hunting may be fun, too many deer are wounded, lost, and suffer for a prolonged period. Bow hunting can be unethical because 50 percent of deer that are shot are wounded, and 25 percent of those deer that are wounded are never found. I know this from experience, I have bow hunted for years. "Bow hunting has 50% wounding rate, and half of these animal are never found"(Wolter 1999). Over the years that I've been bow hunting, I have had several deer jump clean right over my arrow and run off. This proves that too many deer are shot and wounded by archery hunters and are never found. Bow hunting can also be inhumane because broad heads enter a deer so fast they suck hair and dirt into the wound causing infection. Especially if the arrow does not pass all the way through the deer, the arrow will be stuck in the deer until it dies. The dirt and the hair sucked into the wound causes infection, "Deer jump the string of a bow and cause a not …show more content…

For example, fawns are not ready to be on their own when early bow season comes, and when their mother gets shot, the fawn has to fend for itself. The fawn will most likely starve, or get picked off by a predator. "A 4 month old fawn is not smart enough to make it without its mother"(PETA 2007). A fawn that is born in the end of May (which is usually when they are born) to the beginning of September, when archery season begins is about 4 months. Often times a hunter will still see a fawn with spots. If that fawn loses its mother, there is no way that fawn would survive winter alone. This proves my point that archery hunting can be

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