Bottlenose Dolphins Research Paper

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Ecology Diet and Foraging The diet of the Bottlenose Dolphin varies depending on geographical location and even water depth. Bottlenose Dolphins that live inshore will typically feed on fish and other invertebrates that are found near the shoreline (Reynolds). On the other hand deep-water Bottlenose Dolphins feed on squid and fish (Reynolds). Bottlenose dolphins along the U.S. Atlantic Coast typically feed on the following: Atlantic croacker, spot fish, and silver perch (Reynolds). Bottlenose dolphins typically choose prey between 5 and 30 cm in length; adult bottlenose dolphins eat approximately 4% to 6% of their body weight in food per day, while a nursing mother's daily intake is about 8% their weight. (Reynolds; "Diet & Eating Habits"). Although Dolphins do seem to show preferences for certain foods, they lack a sense of smell and do not have taste organs (Cozzi 344). Food is ingested whole rather than being chewed, which indicates that food preferences are not determined by “conventional” senses (Cozzi 344). Dolphins use their sharp teeth to grasp prey, rather than chew, and the tongue to maneuver prey down the throat whole (Jenkins). Although they don’t chew food, they may break up their prey by shaking it in the air and …show more content…

An example of a cooperative hunting strategy is “Strand Feeding”. This is a unique strategy where dolphins work together in small groups to herd fish towards the shallow water and shore; they then use a wave to push the fish to shore and lunge their bodies the shore to feed on the fish (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). To detect prey, Bottlenose Dolphins can either use echolocation or use “passive listening” (Reynolds; Cross). They have also been known to follow fisherman boats and feed on discarded fishes and bait (Reynolds; "Diet & Eating

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