Bottled Water In Schools Research Paper

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Imagine being in a hall filled with empty bottles scrattered along the floor. Kids shuffle past them with out picking any up. Bottles at strewn about the community, and people are constantly dropping more. I believe bottled water should be banned in schools. Here are my reasons to explain. My first reason bottled water should be banned from schools is because of litter and trash. When I am at school I notice that there are empty and half full bottles in the hall. People drop them or just leave then in the halls. In the article, “Bottled versus tap: Which is safer?” Elena Conis wrote, “ Just 15% of the tens of billions of bottles consumed each year are recycled.” This shows me that people who are finished with bottles just throw them away to sit in a dump. Also, in the article, “Goodbye, Bottled Water?” Gail Hennessey wrote, “More than 1 billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfills each year taking 1000 years to biodegrade.” This is important to notice because kids bring their plastic bottles to school and most of …show more content…

In, “Statement form International Bottled Water Association Regarding Concord, MA ban of bottled Water”, the author wrote, “People choose bottled water for several reason, including its refreshing taste, reliable quality, zero calories and additives, and convenience.” This shows me that bottled water has a great taste and very convenient. In, “Bottled versus tap: Which is safer?”, Elena Conis wrote, “State rules don't solve the problem of aging pipes that can carry water from public lines into peoples homes, which can leach copper and lead.” This is important to notice because the water from tap can have minerals that are unhealthy, especially lead. Kids can enjoy a convenient and safe way of drinking water. All of this is very important to note, but the environment and correct uses of petroleum matter

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