Book Report On Goblet

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Reading Activity Chapters 7-9 Summarizer For the past few I have been reading a book called ‘Goblet Goblet’ by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. This book is about a boy named Ranofer, after his father died he had to move and live with his half brother Gebu. Gebu is very mean towards Ranofer, he does not feed him properly and beats him. Ranofer meets friends and they spy on Gebu and his friends. They suspect that Gebu and his friends are robbers. Together they find mysterious information about Ranofers half brother. Chapter four begins when Ranofer wakes up with a brilliant plan. The night before that he had heard a sound that sounded like the leather hinges on Gebus door. Ranofer found some of Gebus left overs, ate half and took the other half to his …show more content…

Ranofer has still been waiting for Ibni to not be seen in the shop anymore. After four days he sees Heqet standing behind Rekhs’ desk. The next day Ranofer came to work and saw Ibni, he asked Heqet if Rekh believed him and Heqet said he was sure that he did believe him. So after eight days Ranofer went outside and immediately got knocked off balance, he saw the papyrus cutter and his donkey, Ranofer asked what was going on and the answer he got was that two tomb robbers had been caught. After that he had asked the ancient some more questions like where he worked, what he worked as and where did he live, Ranofer started walking home when an Idea popped in his mind. What if he could live like the ancient, cut papyrus and then go to work for Rekh, live alone where the desert begins and build a house. When Ranofer got to Rekhs he got an order to go to Abas potter and get a new crucible, on the way he saw Ibni, panicked and hid behind a bush, when Ibni was gone Ranofer went to home. When he got home he saw a big surprise, there stood Ibni, Ranofer saw some loaf on the table and went to eat it. He had heard Gebu tell Ibni that he fires him and that Ibni should never return. A few moment after Ibni had left Gebu told Ranofer that he will no longer work for Rekh, and will now be an apprentice for Gebu. Ranofer got mad and told Gebu about his plan to live alone and

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