Body Image Research Paper

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Prompt 3 Body image and gender roles have always been the face of magazines, television, advertisements, and many more. In today’s society, the size of your body, the color of your skin, and your sex could determine could determine your future, but when does it stop? When will women be looked at more than just a sex symbol? Growing up, I would look at the magazines where all the models in them were picture perfect: perfect skin, perfect breast, perfect legs, everything. But I started to realize how society looked at white and black women bodies differently. White women were plastered as tall, slim, and toned. While when it came to black women, they were shown as heavy chested with a coke-bottle shape. After a while, it did start weighing …show more content…

My mother and grandma would tell me that they were just jealous. It was in our genes that we were small at a young age, but as we grew older, the pounds would slowly come on, so I started to look at it as a blessing. It took me years to look in the mirror and love what I would see. I had to teach myself to love my own body, which says a lot about the world we live in. The way that the body is looked at in today’s society upsets me. Every woman wants to have the small waist with the nice toned legs while the men want to have the nicely toned everything! But when men are posing nude in magazines such as Nick Jonas, Football Players, and even the lead singer in Maroon 5, it is looked at as fun, sexy, and all the women go crazy over it. When it comes to women, it’s totally different. Take Serena Williams as an example, she posed with a leotard on and her name was dragged through the dirt. For some reason, women are looked at as sex symbol based on the clothes they wear, or how they carry themselves, while men are the main ones putting women in these categories. In my opinion, there shouldn’t be any “body image” or “gender roles”. If you are happy with your size, and healthy, you shouldn’t try and fit yourself into the social normality that the world tries to shove everyone

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