Bob Mack Essay

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Concept/Theory Evidence/Observations & Application
1. Power
(pg.396) Power, as defined in the text, “is the ability to influence another person”. In this clip of the movie, Mack, a Ford executive, is the definition of power; where other Ford representatives were unable to finalize a deal to get Bob to provide the company with a finalized working model of his invention, the intermittent wiper, Mack moves in on Bob quickly at the start of their meeting. Not wasting any time, Mack gets to the point to “get Bob on board” by revealing what Bob’s intended plans were for his winning invention- Mack’s questions are quick, and direct- demonstrating his ability to use high pressure tactics to get results, and by the end of the short meeting, Bob has …show more content…

(pg.396) Influence is the process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person. Mack, from the beginning of the meeting, is fully prepared to assert his influence in “getting Bob on board”.
3. Authority
(pg.396) Authority, “the right to influence another person.” In this scene, it’s easy to see that from the start, Bob is reluctant to jump into anything too soon with his wiper invention; however, as the scene plays on with Mack, who starts of immediately with asking Bob several questions about the plans for his invention. Through his use of high pressure tactics, Mack clearly demonstrates his perceived authority to influence Bob in his decision, in how he asks his questions, one right after the other, and without waiting for Bob’s response.
4. Zone of Indifference
Zone of Indifference, the range in which attempts to influence a person will be perceived as legitimate and will be acted on without a great deal of thought. The zone of indifference between Bob and his friend Gil- Bob doesn’t hesitate in agreeing to Mack’s request for the working prototype once Gil, his friend also in attendance at the meeting, affirms that the details of the request to move forward are fair and reasonable. Immediately following Gils’ affirmation to Bob, based on his understanding of the details and the next step of the business arrangement between Ford and his friend Bob; Bob acknowledges Gils’ encouragement to agree with Mack, as legitimate-

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