Board Of Church Extensions And Home Missions

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The Church of God has always been active in foreign missions. They have been sending missionaries to other countries since 1891. However, the organization has also supported missionaries here in America. In 1920 the Board of Church Extensions and Home Missions was founded by the General Ministerial Assembly of the Church of God. The Board was given two main goals. One was to lend money for building projects to struggling churches. The other was to help found new churches around the country. Often times, new churches did not have enough money to pay all their bills and pay a salary to their pastor. In response to this need, the Board would sometimes pay the clergy's wages, and they became known as “home missionaries.” The first of these such home missionaries, was Marion Tafolla. He was a Mexican-American who was introduced to the Church of God movement through a copy of the Gospel Trumpet. After joining the movement he began speaking at a friend's farm to Spanish workers. This led to the founding of a Hispanic church in San Antonio, Texas in 1921. Following his example, many other Spanish churches were formed in Texas, New Mexico, California, and even Washington, D.C. In 1954 the Spanish-American Concilio of the …show more content…

In March of 1939 work began at the Tulalip Reservation in Washington by Pastor J. Frank Shaw. He was invited to the Tulalip Reservation by a member of his church. While there, he saw the great spiritual and physical need in the community and he wanted to help. He began reaching out to them and eventually a congregation was founded there. In 1943 he moved to another reservation to form a church there. Pastors Adam and Marge Williams replaced him at the Tulalip Reservation. They worked there for many years among the natives. When Adam died in 1978, Marge continued his work as the

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