Blowback Summary

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The name of the article is called, “Blowback: U.S. Actions Abroad Have Repeatedly Led to Unintended Indefensible Consequences” by Chalmers Johnson. After reading the article by Johnson I have to say I can easily understand where the writer of the article is coming from. The article is pretty much about how the United States constantly has to deal with consequences because of their actions. The CIA described it as “blowback.”An example the writer used to support this was using the September 11 attack this is one of the most recent incidents talked about in the article. As well as, its an incident that caused a period in time when the majority of the general public actually trusted the government. This attack occurred because of the United …show more content…

was targeted because it's seen as “a beacon for freedom” and the people who attacked were evil (Johnson 2).” Honestly, I believe that some of kind of attack should’ve of been expected because of the U.S. continued presence in the Middle East and their support of Israel. The reason is some countries in the Middle East feel as though that the U.S. presence is unnecessary and wants to get rid of them, as well as, they don’t like how they support Israel. This caused some countries in the Middle East to have some kind of hostility against the U.S. This is some of the reasons why the U.S. was targeted during the 9/11 attack. However, I’m not saying that the 9/11 attack was justified but simply stating that some of kind of attack should’ve be anticipated. I also agreed with the author they said the U.S. should pull their troops out of the Middle East since there are other ways to get along with them. Additionally, do an, “...analysis...of our “forward deployed” troops, refurbished our diplomatic capabilities, reassured the world that we are not unilateralist…., then we might assess what we can do against “terrorism (Johnson 4).” In other words, by doing the analysis, fixing their diplomatic capabilities, show the world they aren’t going to disregard the other party than they can really assess the issue of

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