Black Men And Masculinity

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When in comes to masculine status in a society that is run by a system of patriarchy, Black males typically earn their position of dominance in one of two ways: through reputation or respectability. Reputation is the preferred method of obtaining high status when one does not have the capital necessary to be men in the typical institutional settings. It is most utilized by young and/or poor Black youth. Such a method involves details such as being “successful” with women, beating other men in competitions (such as sports games), and showing off wealth by driving expensive cars or wearing expensive jewelry or clothes. In contrast, older and/or wealthier Black males employ the practice of respectability, in turn earning their social power. As …show more content…

Gordon’s argument does not necessarily entirely oppose cultural deficiency theorists, but introduces the idea that the paradigm they align with lacks acknowledgement of the relationship between family structures and systems of oppression, diminishing Black culture to a pathological pattern of “brokenness”. The realities faced by Black males within the U.S. truly determine their placement along the patriarchal continuum. Without economic capital as a result of some institutional racisms such as a lack of an accommodative educational system, many Black men find themselves searching for more immediate return on their efforts, establishing practices resistant the whiteness as many begin to drop out of school to establish reputation in other ways such as selling drugs or having sex with tons of women as these forms of capital certainly seem more attainable in a society where the world seems to be completely against Black …show more content…

Aligning further with patriarchal standards, the beliefs that have formed around the characteristics of Black men include an overall domination of females and children in every way. Reputation as resistance has begun to result in more violence between Black men, an increase in crime and an affinity towards the need to succeed in the realm of sports and entertainment. Expectations of women have grown to mean that they are expected to control all familial responsibilities and keep everyone together, a result of a majorly matriarchal system. In addition, Christian ideals such as monogamy and an existence accommodating to the lifestyle of men are especially forced upon them. Beyond that, most Black women are subject to extreme stereotypes that define them as lazy, controlling, having excessive attitude, being a single parent, etc. Many of these labels stem from the fact that the relationship between Black men and women could be considered more egalitarian than that of white people. Due to the focus of men of working their way up the ladder of the patriarchy through modes of resistance and accommodation, Black women were left to dominate the domestic sphere and take on jobs in service sectors in order to support their children. Since taking on jobs and having power over males in some way did not align with the typical white, nuclear pattern, Black women

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