Black Males In Prison

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In today’s society, black males are given a bad reputation. When you’re a young black male and you hear that most of you are going to end up in jail it can be very discouraging. It can make them feel like they will never amount to anything. They feel like they will only life up to the expectations that society expects of them. These young men don’t have a role model that they can look up to and those who do don’t follow the right people. They need someone they can relate to, someone from the same background and been through the same struggles. Studies have shown that in 2008 only 47 percent of black males in the U.S. graduated from high school, compared to 57 percent for Latino and 75 percent for white males. Also African Americans make up 35 percent of jail inmates, and 37 percent of prison inmates. There is also more males males in prison then there is in college which is a very depressing thing. The leading cause of incarceration of an African American male is a non-violent drug offense, person crimes, and property crimes. The Lifetime chances of going to prison are 32.2% for Black males and 17.2% for Latino males, while only 5.9% for White males. …show more content…

Because of this negative negative outlook it can give people a negative mindset and lead to them amounting to nothing. They need a positive role in their life so they can have someone they can look up to and follow. There are a lot of people that people can consider as role models but they are not always

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