Black And Blue Analysis: The Salvation Army

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Black and Blue Analysis The public service announcement Black and Blue created by The Salvation Army is designed to bring awareness to abuse and inform victims that help is available. This image, while eye-catching to someone who has endured abuse, is also directed towards people of all ages, including technologically inclined young adults, who may have not had experience with it. The main idea of this image is to alert its viewers of the commonality of abuse, and expose how easily it can go unseen. Black and Blue is an impactful PSA that succeeds in its mission to bring attention to assault in its tactful applications of visual organizations, allusions, and appeals to emotions. First, the arrangement of the woman on the area of the image makes it one of the first components seen. The centralized location of the woman draws the reader’s attention almost …show more content…

Traditional style font allows for easy reading in a short amount of time. The traditional font is also presented in a clean, contrast color of the gray background. Nearer to the bottom, as the color scale gets lighter, the choice in color of text is adjusted to continue the readability. Lastly, the size of the texts directs the viewer through the information as intended to be perceived. Larger text such as the “Why Is It So Hard To See Black and Blue” heading is light colored lettering on a darker portion of the background, immediately followed by smaller white text insinuates that the reader first refers to the heading, and moves along secondly to the inferior sized text. The last piece of text seemingly blends into the background almost unnoticeable creating as an afterthought for those who want additional information and miniscule logos of places that offer help. The size and color of an easily readable font are executed effectively, directing the reader from one line of text to the

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