Birth Order Personality Traits

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Birth Order Personality Traits It is easy to wonder how two children from the same family can turn out so differently, with completely different personalities and ways of solving problems. Recognizing the immense influence of family dynamics on young children can clear up a lot of the confusion. For example, eldest children look to their parents as role models for their behavior, and may become perfectionistic as parents expect them to act like little adults. Middle children may become more dependent on peer approval and their friends because they tend to get relatively less attention within their families. And youngest children may use humor as a way of securing their parents' attention. However, birth order actually plays a subtler role than the above examples may suggest. Not all middle children are very gregarious and social, and not all youngest children play the clown. Before assuming that because your middle child is a perfectionist, birth order cannot play a role in your family, you should take a look at some of the factors that may influence how birth order affects your family. Most important is the spacing of children. If children are more than five years apart, it is more like the parents have two separate families than as if they have two children, an oldest and a youngest. You can expect your ten-year-old to act like an only child, your three-year-old like another oldest child in the family, and your one-year-old to act like the youngest. This is because birth order influences personality the most during the first five years of life. By the same token, if a child is adopted after the age of five, he or she will... ... middle of paper ... ...y had to be home at 10:30 at the same age. Youngest children are often doted on by their parents. However, because they are small, they usually learn to be either an entertainer or someone who stays out of family conflicts, because they are too little to be powerful players in the family. To parent youngest children more effectively, recognize their accomplishments (even though a graduation from primary school may be old hat to you now) and try to stick by your rules. Not all families are alike, and there are certainly other factors that influence how your child will grow and develop. Good rules and a lot of love remain essential ingredients of good parenting. Understanding birth order, however, will help you become more aware of each of your children's individual circumstances, and help you tailor your approach.

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