Bipolar Disorder Research Paper

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Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more episodes of an overexcited, unrealistically optimistic state. Just as we all have our down times, there are times when things seem to be going extremely well. For individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder the ups and downs of life attack them harder than what it would a normal person who wouldn’t have bipolar disorder, it is difficult for them to contain what is built up inside of them causing them to lash out and later regret it. This is why people often refer to people with bipolar disorder as “out of their mind”, but they say this simply because they find it simple to control their anger and find it tough to believe that someone …show more content…

She has been thinking that she can avoid human sexuality and still give birth, describing herself as a woman who does not require sex to fulfill her place on earth, calling herself “superwoman.” She also believed she had a power to single-handedly save the world from nuclear destruction. In all the bizarreness of Susie’s actions she also would go insane and throw stuff at her professors, counselors, and even her best friends. With all the abnormal behavior Susie was showing her surrounding associates knew it was time to get her major help, they took Susie to the best phycologist there was so that he could diagnose Susie and let her know what kind of problem she had been experiencing and what he could do to help her. After talking with Susie for many months and hearing all the abnormal experiences she had been going through he told her what she was suffering from was bipolar disorder and there were ways to help her but it would take time to let everything process and that she wouldn’t see immediate results. He then wrote her a prescription for Ariprazole (Abilify) the phycologist then warned Susie of the side effects but not caring what actions Susie would have to take she immediately started the medicine in hopes of being ‘normal’

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