Biopsychosocial Perspective Case Study

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I. The Client Joey Sanchez 5 year old grandson of Hector and Celia Sanchez due to grandfather’s recent illness in which he is unable to return to work and maintain the house hold. Joey has been missing meals days at a time due to the lack of finances and food at home. Joey’s behaviors have increased at school and has been stealing food and fighting with peers and teachers. Joey’s teacher called in a report and it was investigated. Joey was arrested for punching a boy in the face breaking the boy’s nose after school, Joey was suspended from school. Due to Joey’s legal issues and lack of recourses at home a judge deemed Joey to be neglected and a removal was warranted. During the move Joey became upset and attacked Writer. Joey remains upset …show more content…

The Biological level: This writer looked at Joey’s physical health and functioning. This writer examine Joey’s nutrition and general health habits, assessing overall physical development, a referral in place to see doctor for a physical exam. The behaviors could be from poor nutrition, maybe contributing to some of Joey’s symptoms such as aggression and poor concentration and emotional instability. Joey’s behaviors are manifesting due to Joey’s grandparents unable to care for Joey due to economic issues spanning form loss of employment due to health issues from Joey’s grandfather has increased the times Joey goes without to eating. The Psychological level: This writer assessed Joey’s emotional and cognitive development. This writer referred Joey to a psychologist testing to determine whether he has any learning disabilities or related problems that might account for his low academic performance and emotional instability that has led to the removal from grandparents care. The Social level: This writer has indicated and determined that Joey’s overall social interaction with grandparents have deteriorated due to the grandfather’s health …show more content…

As Celia Jaes Falicov in the book Generalist Social Work Practice with Families by Yanca/Johnson, page 79 describes how most Latinos attribute adversity to sources that are beyond one’s control. She points out that many Latinos will add the phrase “God willing” when discussing the future, which is an indication of the belief that one’s life is not under one’s control. Grandmother told Joey “aguantarse” or (to Endure), Writer agreed that Joey will need to be patient to overcome and endure the ordeal. Joey may not want to ignore the situation at this point, but soon he will want it to go away and some distain may manifest then. Also grandmother stated “resignarse” (resignation), or (to go with it) in term. Writer agrees as well that it will be easier for Joey to go with it at this point. For Joey to give in at this time is not an options but he will need to transition on own or with assistance of interventions, Joey may thrive. Ultimately Joey will need to overcome or (sobreponerse) with the help of others and services to

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