Biology: Cellular Respiration

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Biology 196 Writing Assignment #2 Cellular respiration is a chemical reaction that breaks down glucose into usable energy. In Cellular respiration, glucose enters the body and is broken down by glycolysis. For prokaryotes, cellular respiration is performed in the cytoplasm or inner surfaces of the cell, while eukaryotes perform it in in the mitochondria. In Glycolysis, a process in the cytosol, two ATP are invested to produce two pyruvates, two water molecules, four ATP, two NADH and two hydrogen ions. Following glycolysis is Pyruvate oxidation, which oxidizes the pyruvates from glycolysis to acetyl CoA and NAD+ to NADH+H+ and a CO2 waste. After pyruvate oxidation is the Kreb’s cycle, which occurs in the mitochondria. This cycle oxidizes Acetyl

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